Dry Eye Treatment: BroadBand Light and ThermiEyes

Patient Undergoing Dry Eye Treatment

Dry eyes plague over 5 million Americans over the age of 50, but dry eye disease, or ocular surface disease, can affect anyone at any age.

Seasonal changes associated with increased allergens can exacerbate the discomfort of dry eye disease for many people. While traditional therapies such as artificial tears and prescription eye drops can be helpful for many, some people find relief in the alternative dry eye therapy options that ART Vision has to offer.

One of these therapies involves the combination of BroadBand Light™ (BBL), a form of intense pulsed light (IPL) along with radiofrequency skin tightening known as ThermiEyes®. This combination has given many patients great relief from their dry eye symptoms. 

How does it work?

BBL therapy works by safely shutting down vessels that cause inflammation in the glands of the eyelids. BBL has also been shown to decrease the bacteria on the eyelid margin that can contribute to blocking the glands around the eyes that keep the surface of the eyes lubricated.

ThermiEyes works to improve the elasticity of the skin around the eyes (resulting in some wonderful aesthetic results as well) and the heating of the eyelids causes the oil glands to heat up, which minimizes blockages and makes the oils easier to express. At the completion of the BBL/ThermiEyes treatment, the glands will be manually expressed by the provider to clear the meibomian glands of any further blockages.

What is the process?

In order to initiate treatment and ensure you will receive maximum benefit from this therapy, each patient is initially evaluated in the clinic by Dr. Tendler. If she feels that this is the best course of action to treat your dry eye, you will be scheduled to receive this treatment in our clinic with one of our qualified providers. You will receive a total of four treatments of BBL/ThermiEyes along with manual gland expression immediately following the treatment. 

Each of the four treatments will take about one hour and will be scheduled approximately 2-4 weeks apart. You will have a follow-up appointment with Dr. Tendler approximately 4-6 weeks after the completion of the last treatment.

To learn more about this process, and to see how it works, click on the video below!

In conjunction with traditional home therapies, BBL/ThermiEyes can offer many patients great relief from their dry eye symptoms. To find out if this treatment may be right for you, call ART Vision at 605-306-2020 to schedule an appointment.

Broadband Light and Thermi RF for Dry Eye Treatment


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